How the numbers are generated
ClearCOGS is committed to delivering the most accurate reports possible. When you receive your morning briefing, you can be sure that we've taken care in ensuring that you'll be eliminating waste and increasing your profits.
So, how does it work?
ClearCOGS starts by collecting all of your past transaction data directly from your POS system.
We pull data from as far back as possible to get a comprehensive understanding of your demand patterns
Short term trends that we look at:
Day of the week
Week of the month
Month of the year
Federal Holidays
Long term trends that we look at:
Year to date usage
Same day across multiple years (if applicable)
Weather patterns
There are a few things that the system does not automatically detect. These are rare, so they shouldn't affect your business too often, and with some warning we can help you prepare for them.
These include:
Anomalous weather events (hurricanes, tornadoes, etc)
Non US federal holidays
Non consistent local events
Want to get started receiving ultra-accurate reports?
Schedule a time to meet with one of our sales representatives to be walked through our system.