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How to access and use the ClearCOGS Platform

The ClearCOGS Platform is where you can set up your ClearCOGS account, personalize our system to your needs, and set up the reports you want to receive every day. It's easy to get started!

Just follow these instructions.

Start Here

Enter your email address to receive your

6-digit passcode to complete the login process.

Once you've logged in, you'll have access to...
The Email Subscriptions Page,
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From this page you can view and modify who receives the reports for your store(s) by adding their emails to the respective recipient list.

... and The Prep Sheet Page.
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This page has three tabs that you will need to use in order to set up your prep sheets. Use the instructions below to see how to use each tab.


Forecastable Items Tab

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The Forecastable Items tab is where you can add the items you're interested in seeing on your final prep sheets.

Select the category, click "+ Add Forecastable Item", name the item, and add the units you use most often for this item.


POS Items Tab

In the POS Items tab, you'll find a list of all the items that are already in your system. We've pulled them directly from your POS, so there might be some old items in there as well. This is where you will map the items you wish to be forecasted onto the POS items. 

Make sure to add the items you'd like forecasted to all the POS items they are used in, and add the measurements in the units you chose in the last tab.

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Prep Sheets Tab

Shelf Life
Lead Time
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When you add an item to your report, you'll have to fill in the shelf life and lead time for the item. You'll be able to choose things like how often you want to prep the item and whether you want the report to use different units.

In this tab you'll be able to build new/manage existing reports. Use "+Add Item to Section" to begin this process.

Just follow these steps to get  set up, and you'll start receiving reports in your inbox daily.

Having trouble with set up? Schedule a call with one of our onboarding experts, or email us at

Video Walkthrough of Platform Setup

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